LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

207734 Termékek

Omni badge Investigation of methods for evaluation of heat pump performance

Analysis of field methods for air-to-air heat pump performance measurement

Fűtés-, energia és erőmű technológia

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-4093-1

42,14 £
Omni badge Синхронизируемые автоматы

Вопросы оптимальности


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8473-0689-4

42,14 £
Omni badge Studies of Pesticide Metabolism in Human Population of Karachi

Estimation of OC residues in fat, muscles and blood


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-3551-0

42,14 £
Omni badge Recent Landmark Criminal Law Decisions of the Supreme Court

The Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court: Fair Trial, Juvenile Justice, the Death Penalty, and the Right to Counsel

Bünetető jog, büntetőjogi perek, kriminológia

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-9085-1

42,14 £
Omni badge Информационно-измерительная система контроля магнитного поля

Информационно-измерительная и управляющая система с волоконно-оптическим преобразователем магнитного поля


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-9351-7

42,14 £
Omni badge Безличные предложения в современном немецком и русском языках

Структурно-семантический, сопоставительный и типологический аспекты

Általános és összehasonlító nyelvtudomány

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-9493-4

42,14 £
Omni badge EQ, Academic & Personality Traits

Do they correlate with Medical Students' Future Performance?


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-9667-9

42,14 £
Omni badge Principal Leadership Styles in an Era of Accountability

Self-Perceived School Principal Leadership Styles

Képzés, foglalkozás, karrier

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-9717-1

58,48 £
Omni badge Biohydrogen Production

Simultaneous Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent and Biohydrogen Production by Rhodopseudomonas Palustris PBUM001

Fűtés-, energia és erőmű technológia

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-9687-7

42,14 £
Omni badge Idealism and Uganda's Politics

A paradigm shift to realism

Állam- és politikai apparátus

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.04.2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-9743-0

58,48 £

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